Start Understanding..

To live...

L .earning 

I .ntellignetly 

F .rom 

E .xperience 

After giving much of MY LIFE to the experience of incarceration, I was baffled by the talents and abilities of individuals and the true potential. The fact that they were in prison and that they continued to come back, recidivism. Why? The question began to dawn on me heavily. The reason for my return wasn't because I didn't know how to do better, it was because I chose not to do better. Ho... Learn more

G P S "Going Places"

 Goal Producing Solutions (marketing and management services) is here to not just help you set GOALS, but help you help yourself obtain GOALS! Like a GPS on your phone or in your car to get you to your destination. No matter your level of expectation. We have been working with passionate individuals for many years, and have worked alongside large companies as well and understand the difference. The work produced by a passionate individual ha... Learn more

Social Goal Mine

Combining Imagination With Experience

With involvement & resources in just about everything we are happy to build with clients – experienced or not – to help bring their creative vision to life.  

Paya TinChen

As the designated fashion line for goal producing solutions, Paya TinChen was designed to inspire what account-ability and response-ability is left within 1 to come forward with and through passion. Paya TinChen is clothing, without doubt, above & beyond with the story to go with! Taking the todays not so credible "word's" and making the "W.O.R.D.'s" (w.isdom o.f r.ighteous d.oings) which need no definition. Bringing the miscommunitcation to... Learn more

Local Lawn Solutions

Providing a local lawn service that offers more with less. With NO GAS, NO CORDS, MINIMIZING NOISE & OBSTRUCTIONS, & 100% NO EMISSIONS... 

State Energy Choices

Our staff brings the knowledge and experience necessary to efficiently manage your energy costs in the evolving and volatile energy markets. We work side by side with hundreds of clients and providers developing comprehensive energy strategies which minimize electricity and gas expenses, thereby improving financial performance, and allowing them to focus on the core of their business.